Not a Research Tidbit!

Second Act Retreat, Palm Springs, Oct. 4-6

As you may know, I provide business and career coaching in addition to my market research work. I’ve developed a retreat for people who think there might be an opportunity for them to do something more fulfilling in their lives - a “second act.” The Second Act Retreat will take place in Palm Springs, Oct. 4-6.

Do you think that might be of interest to you or anyone you know?

Highlights of the retreat:

  • Inspiration: Learn how other people like you have created their second acts, explore diverse creative avenues, and discover exciting new directions.

  • Coaching and tools: The program will guide you through self-discovery exercises and take you through a step-by-step process to develop your own second act.

  • Meaningful connections: Connect with like-minded individuals on a similar journey. Share stories, gain inspiration, and forge new friendships.

  • Post-retreat support: Access opportunities for ongoing support to stay motivated and take action on your next chapter.

Once again, I’d appreciate you letting me know if the retreat would be of interest to you, or if you’d pass this on to anyone else who might be interested. And see for more details. Thanks!


Jay Zaltzman (he/him), President
Bureau West: Market Research Consulting Coaching